The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Israel was consecrated on April 29, 1969, by the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland and works accordingly.
Chapter and Lodges met and confer degrees in Israel for nearly hundred years, until 1969 the Chapters worked under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland.
The Chapter celebrated its 50-year Jubilee in a festive meeting took place in King Solomon’s Quarries (Ma’arat Tzidkiyahu) in January 2020.
During the ceremony, the Mark Master Mason degree conferred on brethren from Israel and abroad in the very place where our ancient brethren labored to build the Temple at the presence 0f Delegations from Europe Australia and USA.
Under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Israel there are seven active Chapters in Israel; Two in Haifa (Hebrew and English) Two in the center (Hebrew in Herzliya and English in Ra’anana) Two in Jerusalem (Hebrew and English) One in Ashdod (Hebrew). More are in progress.
The Chapter works in close relationships both with the Grand Lodge and the Supreme council of the Scottish rite of the State of Israel.Three degrees are conferred by the chapters, additional three degrees conferred by the Lodge & Council of The Supreme Royal Arch Chapter, both in Hebrew and English.